If you have got some free time, live locally and would like to support the centre, there are many volunteering activities you can get involved with.
Our volunteers come from all walks of life, and whatever your background and interests we’re sure you’ll enjoy supporting our work.
Skills needed
- Marketing
- Fundraising
Becoming a volunteer
If you’d like to find out more about getting involved to as a volunteer, contact Caroline Funnell on 07958 448 690 or email brixtoncommunitybase@gmail.com.
We’ll try to match your skills, interests and availability with the work that needs to be done.
What you can expect as a volunteer
- A clear role with clear tasks.
- A stated time frame for your volunteering.
- Your work valued and appreciated.
- Reasonable expenses reimbursed.
- To be given a reference if you need one.
As a volunteer we expect you to
- Only take on responsibilities that you can handle.
- Meet time commitments as far as possible.
- Give adequate notice of holidays or other time off.
- Follow our policies and procedures to carry out agreed tasks.
- Provide references and your C.V.