BYT Winter of Food and Fun 2022

From Monday 19th to Thursday 22nd December and on the 29th and 30th December 11am – 3pm. Come along and take part in an exciting range of drama activities which includes: theatre making, drama games, Tai Chi, improvisation, script work, music, dancing, and drawing/crafts.
As it’s Christmas, we will be having lots of fun exploring the themes of PANTO and Christmas Stories – If that’s not enough young people will be provided with a hot and healthy, tasty lunch everyday Mmmm…
For more information Contact: Caroline 07958 448690 or
Click here for the registration form.
St Vincents Brixton – Road, Brixton London SW2 1AS
Free for young people eligible for free school meals or with no recourse to public funds.
Funded by the Government HAF Scheme, Lambeth Youth and Play and Brixton Community Based.