Half Term Perfume Competition
This will be a week long project for 15-20 participants over spring half-term. The young people will learn about fragrance, essential oils and the skills involved in perfume making including the calming, energising and mood-enhancing properties different scents have. They will learn practical skills and have the opportunity, with guidance, to make their own perfume. The programme will include a guest speaker(s) and a field trip to South London Botanical institute where the children will learn about plants and their origins.
At the end of the project the participants will all receive a certificate & the three selected perfume makers will receive a prize of a 1920’s perfume bottle.
The Project will be led by Lamont’e Johnson, director of ‘Bling Ya Bike’ and ‘Bling Ya Fashion’
- Understanding the fragrant flower garden in your community
- History of perfume
- Learn how to fragrance oil from flowers in your garden
- Learn about plant cells and their functions
- Flowers – examine and identify the main parts of a flower
- What is a perfume wheel?
- Perfume safety advice
- What is synthetic perfume
- Distillation of flowers
- Learn how to use carrier oil
- Mixing & Measuring perfume
- Designing your perfume brand or logo name for the perfume bottle
For more information email: info@brixtoncommunitybase.org